Soursop, also known as graviola and guanabana, is a surprising medicinal fruit that has been used as a natural medicine for centuries. Natives in the Andes make a powder from the leaves to treat conditions such as sore throats, diarrhea and fever. In Guyana, local tribes draw tea from the leaves to cure diseases such […]
The 9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Soursop
Soursop, also known as graviola tea or soursop tea, is a natural tea with a surprising array of health benefits. This tea is not only extremely refreshing in taste, but also contains a rich amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. But the health benefits of soursop go beyond just healthy nutrients: recent scientific research suggests […]
How to Make the Perfect Soursop Tea
Several universities worldwide have found strong evidence for the healing and health-promoting properties of the soursop tree, the most potent of which are found in its leaves But how can you take full advantage of these features? We delved into the best ways to prepare soursop tea by looking at the most promising recipes and […]